
t minus 25 days

it's hard to believe but we're pretty much ready. airplane tickets, visas, bags. all a result of sean's work. here's to the (un)official trip planner. *bows*

but seriously though. sean's done this before but i'm scared shitless. or at least i was for the first five months of the countdown. now that it's nearing, and i'm reading academic journals of random projects carried out in uganda, i'm starting to get a feel for what it might be like. but really, how on earth does one prepare for this?! i suppose everyone has their own way of mentally preparing to do something they've never done before. here's my idea: keeping an open mind. that's that. and, having sean as the best guide -ever- is the best gift i could ask for. :D
he knows the places worth checking out and the places to avoid (which we'll probably check out anyways), and how to get there without getting get ripped off. he's hooked us up with a couchsurfer in nairobi and a hotel in jinja. basically our first few days there are figured out. he's given me the task of getting us from nairobi to kampala, which should be an adventure of its own... and hopefully won't end up taking a week to do.

i'm looking foward to taking things as they come, and learning as much as i can about this entirely new place. now... how does someone -not- look like a tourist in uganda...

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