
t minus 2days

time's been speeding up for the last couple of weeks. our bags are mostly packed now, we've both worked our last shifts, sean found us new tickets to london w aircanada after zoom bummed out... i suppose we've gotten to the point where everything we could have done to prepare has been done. except for throwing our toothbrushes in our bags, and saying, "goodbye (for now)."
it's neat seeing and hearing of things that are going to be happening here after we're gone. those little moments where i realize, "hey, we're not going to be here for that, we're going to be.... somewhere else. cool." i just called mum and dad to say bye, that's the biggest slap int he face. mum, don't be surprised if you get a couple of five a.m. home-sick phone calls. same to you, megan. and and and and. i, uh, i've got to admit, even though it's only for months, it's hard not to get all sentimental about saying bye to the fam. and extended fam.
but that's that! bye!! keep in touch!!


Sheila Flood said...

We have a lot of faith in you, honeypie. And in Sean as well. But we'll be keeping close watch on this blog!!! Love you millions!

Sheila Flood said...

Today's the day!
Have a GREAT trip!
Don't forget the camera! Do you have a way of posting photos? It's dawn here right now... A beautiful day. Miss you already though. Forgot to ask you what the time zone in Uganda is? Big hugs...
Love you!

Admin said...

Extremely wild having a daughter on the way to Africa!

Unknown said...

I miss you guys both so much already...i'm a huge loser..Thanks for tidying up all your stuff, i think i might be getting that imac i want so i'll be able to actually do homework. I forgot to ask if you were taking your scarf leah...cuz if you left it i want to wear it. I think Sean left the one his dad gave him which i really liked so i might steal that one for a while too..I hope you're safe!!