

a few too many mouthfuls of Nile water, and both sean and i had a case of the shits yesterday. so, we're going to the school for the P6's today instead of yesterday.
i'm attempting to upload pictures to facebook right now, but the computer at this internet cafe doesn't have the right plug-in. so i'm using the five-pictures-at-a-time version of the application. pfltth...

we'll see if any of these pictures make their way onto the internets. it might end up being one at a time...


Anonymous said...

hey, it sounds like you guys are doing amazing [as expected]. i'm super glad to read your blog entries. i hope your pillowed apartment is going swell too. SO jealous you got to go rafting in the nile... although i'm in chile skiing in the fucking andes at 3800m in altitude so i really shouldn't complain. speaking of which, i had one of those "waking up back in ottawa & being like omgwtf i don't wanna be here" dreams 2 nights ago. i've only been here in santiago 5 days and i'm already going to miss it so fucking much when i have to go home in 3 days. language barriers are a bitch.
sorry to hear about your shits. hahaha. you -WOULD- write a blog entry about your stool. ciao, bella. post again soon.
damn, i can't remember my blogger password. it's bec anyway if you couldn't tell. sorry this turned into a friggin essay.. i probably should;ve just emailed you. say hi to sean & send my love.

Unknown said...

SOOO, i haven't called you yet. I've been super busy. I just spent this whole week with Simon because moved to Toronto today...FOR GOOD. It's kinda ridiculous that my two closest friends have left me in the span of a month....uhh anyways MISS you. I'll try to call this weekend if i can...or you might get a drunken call at like 4am my time one of these days. LOVE YOU...

Unknown said...


BunBun and Kathleen said...

there are many four letter words for poop, but none that properly descibe the awesomeness which is poop a la uganda.
I hope you're enjoying yourself girl. Don't look back.