
the jogs

i've decided that our roommate is the shit. she's gotten sean and i into eating salads all the time, and into jogging.

so after three years of not jogging for sean, and one year for me, we're on the run. so sean and i went three days ago, and were joined by six ugandan kids. they taught us some luganda words (sean knows mostly lusoga), and kept up with us for the entire ~3km's. heh, they were absolutely hillarious! they were running backwards, racing each other, hitting their heels with their hands,... almost laughing at us for being so tired, and definitely getting a kick out of us.

two days ago erica and i went, and we had seven kids with us. they jogged us all the way home, and asked us if we were going again. i said, yeah!!! six oclock!!! see you then!

and yesterday sean and i were just chilling at home, him with a cough, so we decided to stay home and drink orange juice (and made weird-ass chappati pizza). and they rang our doorbell! even though i'd decided not to run, i figured... hey, these guys are good motivation... might aswell, right? so there were three kids at the door. and another three hiding around the corner in the stairs. and then another four just outside with the eskari (the guard outside our appartment building). we picked up another few along the way, which made me feel an awful lot like that running guy with cancer.... terry fox. by the end of the run, about4km's later, i had 14 kids with me. and -man- are they ever pestistant. and they're not the best-fed kids either. they just have tons of energy.

other than running around, not too much is new here. we're chilling.

sean decided to apply for a piece-of-shit job at a shitty NGO, just for the hell of it. well, for the hell of having an actual big-boy adult job on his resume. our roommate works at this NGO right now, and comes home with a good mouthfull about her boss, who would become sean's coworker... i think. so he'd be working with a douche, basically. but he's got confidence in his ability to deal with bullshit (thinking of the water-mamas at BH, i kinda believe him :S). and job opportunities here are few and far inbetween.

so i'm hoping that he doesn't get the job, because it's just downright shitty... but hoping that he does, because the experience is pretty handsome on paper.

anyways. at this point i'm just killing time on crackbook while sean skypes with his dad. i'm entirely out of things to say.
lots of love :D


Perspective said...

wow kids here are incredibly different...
i mean ... kids are kids everywhere, they'll say shit that throws you off guard and all the typical stuff...

but you'll hate what i have to say next:
here, kids conditioned to be proper and serious, only the youngest ones seem to have any fun, after they begin to go to school it's like they are these restrained, constrained, disciplined little balls of cuteness. And you can't even tell that they are itching to burst out of it because of how well it's all bottled up, and then they get used to it, and that is how life happens here... strange huh?

becc said...

long time no post, dear!