

briefly, two new things:
sean and i just organized a fund-raising event, held on Oct25th,. it was a fashion show..
don't worry, the nature of the event was out of our control. it's ridiculous that it was a fashion show, but either way, the event was held at Ginger on the Nile. and managed to raise UGX700,000. which is ~$500 for Students Partnership Worldwide. look it up, it's a neat NGO.
now we work for the Restaurant where it was held, because the manager of both the event and the restaurant left. so the two owners grabbed sean and i and we're stuck.

not to say that we're truly stuck. i was starting to feel very stuck at the place, and we're going to reassess our employment soon. well, as soon as we get back from a trip. we're going to check out Kigali, Rwanda. and spend most of our time around Tanzania. starting in Kigoma, a small town along the shores of Lake Tanginyika, and taking a train ride accoss the country to Dar Es Salaam, then a fairy to the island of Zanzibar. the final destination is the island, which has "stown town" at its capital, and beaches all over the place. then, back home via kenya. sean has friends in both kampala and kigali. mum hooked us up with a family friend in Dar. we have a couch surfer in kenya, and wil hopefuly find more in kigoma. i doubt we'll have much luck in zanzibar, because it's mostly a tourist destination. but here's hoping.

i'm secretly hoping that we'll be able to change our hours at ginger when we get back. because as is, we're working from 10am to 11pm six days a week. so we figure that when one of the owners gets back from the UK, we'll be able to do a standard 8hr shift, five days a week. for the sake of remaining sane, and enjoying our time here.

i think that's all for today. uganda is beautiful as ever. i'm dreading winter more and more as canada gets colder and dips below zero. it stil rains every night here, which is the most pleasant way to enjoy a rainy season. i had no idea it would be this way.

ps, this keyboard for some reason can't type double-letters. so putting those two t's in the word "letter", wasn't as easy as it should have been. i can't even back-space twice. or make two periods or spaces in a row.

i'm off!


Unknown said...

ferry... although on a no repeat keyboard, i can understand

Sheila Flood said...

Very proud of you, sweetie - you manage to do good stuff for people and support yourself and you obviously have very good friends! So glad you might be able to hook up with Helen and Maury in Dar es Salaam - let us know how it goes! We think of you lots and wonder how you are.