
winter, here i come!!!

i have got to start posting stories about our adventures.

in short, there are a few epic things that simply cannot go unsaid. the ferry on lake tanginyika, the 110m bunjee jump into a gorge in no-man's land bt zambia and zimbabwe, some chiller towns like Nkhata Bay, Kigoma, and Nyakanazi. stories are coming, guys!!! esp now that sean is spending hours in internet caffees to apply for jobs in Korea, i'll have tons of internet time to bore everyone with africa!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:d ...... :P

man, we started off with the hills of Rwanda, which are undoubtedly a little bit more than "hills", they're fucking huge ass ridiculous mountains with winding roads and beautiful houses (in african standards... they have walls that aren't made of crumbling mud), terraced agriculture.....
we only spent one day in Rwanda, which was enough to figure out that neither english nor my french were understandable to anyone. when it came to mimming picking up food from a plate (my hand), and putting it towards my mouth.... simply to find a place to eat... have food... manger... j'ai faim... we want to purchase food..........
the language barrier was a bit much. but hey, to all my friends who learned french in english schools, you'll do just dandy in this country. everyone understood sean's broken school-french better than my attempt at not sounding quebecois. :S

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